Friday, February 12, 2010

Cap'n Hook!

There's this movie that I watched about 20 minutes of last night.
It's called Hook, based on Peter Pan.
Stars Julia Roberts, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook.

So there was this scene, hilarious as hell.

Captain Hook: Smee, I have just had an epiphany!
Smee: An epipha-wha?

Without acknowledging Smi's lack of vocabulary, Captain Hook goes on to reveal a plan to make Peter Pan die or something like that, can't remember.
And then Smee comes up with an idea. Here's how he chose to express it.

Smee: Captain, I've just had an apostrophe!

He meant epiphany, but he forgot it, and he said apostrophe.
I'm sorry, I don't know what it is but that just CRACKED ME UP SOOO much.

Hilarious hilarious hilarious.

You can start/stop laughing now, hehe.

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