Sunday, April 26, 2009


I was playing House of the Rising Sun - the only song I know how to play from start to finish-, I'm Yours (i just found the chords), Breathe Me and Stay..

Made me calm :) Felt cool playing the guitar. Real cool, haha.

Need to learn new songs though, on the piano as well, all the old ones are getting boring, honestly. I NEED to practice more. Practical exam's in 3 months!!!!! Oh My Dot. Haih, so many scales, so little time. I LOATHE scales. I really do. I'll give you a little look at what I am OBLIGATED, no, FORCED to play.

For every scale on the above page, I have to play 4 times.
For example, C sharp minor up there, you notice it goes up and down, well, mine goes up four times, and comes back down. And I have 5 more pages of the above to memorize. Hahahaa. But it's fun. At least the examiner won't ask me to play ALLLL of them. haha.

Oh, piano. I've been playing for eleven years and I still suck. Haih, :P

I'll practice ,more, I promise :D
Scouts Honour.

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